Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Next class: Fair Use Image, Written Defense, and Copyright Changes

In addition to your fair use defense  (on a separate page - see the last blog post for more info on that one), I want one paragraph explaining what you would change about copyright law. Would you reduce the term of copyright, or extend it? Would you add clearer guidelines for the amount of a copyrighted work that can be used in fair use? Would you introduce more specific standards for setting or reporting damages for copyright infringement? Would you create any broader categories for fair use? Would you create a copyright version of "attribution," where you have broader range of use as long as you have an explicit acknowledgement of your copyrighted sources?

So, by Thursday, have:

1. Your fair use image

2. Your one-page defense (printed out)

3. Your one-paragraph revision of copyright law (printed out)

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