Thursday, October 29, 2015

Illustrator project and links

Size for illustrator project (abstract, landscape, or portrait): 11" x 17"

Download link for illustrator shapes:

Some cool vector art, by a variety of artists:

Fernando Togni


Konstantin Shalev


More various

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Next class: Fair Use Image, Written Defense, and Copyright Changes

In addition to your fair use defense  (on a separate page - see the last blog post for more info on that one), I want one paragraph explaining what you would change about copyright law. Would you reduce the term of copyright, or extend it? Would you add clearer guidelines for the amount of a copyrighted work that can be used in fair use? Would you introduce more specific standards for setting or reporting damages for copyright infringement? Would you create any broader categories for fair use? Would you create a copyright version of "attribution," where you have broader range of use as long as you have an explicit acknowledgement of your copyrighted sources?

So, by Thursday, have:

1. Your fair use image

2. Your one-page defense (printed out)

3. Your one-paragraph revision of copyright law (printed out)

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Sketch for Tuesday - "Fair Use" Project

For Tuesday's class, come prepared with a sketch for your idea for the "fair use" project. You need to use something that's copyrighted – an image, a photo, a logo, a tagline, a story, a song lyric, whatever it may be – and you need to change it enough that you think you'd have a "fair use" case for your use of the copyrighted material.

Obviously we're creating this project for class, but I want you to imagine your fair use project being used in some other venue. The intended venue of the work could have a strong bearing on whether your work is "protected" or not -- so please imagine the artwork is intended to be shown on a T-Shirt, in a gallery, on a billboard, or what have you. For Thursday, you'll have to have a written defense of your work on fair use grounds - we'll put you "on trial" nd see if you get thrown in copyright jail or not.

If you want to refresh yourself on some copyright info, there are free digital versions of a Duke Copyright Fair Use comic here:

Again, fair use can be invoked for the following reasons:

To report on news
To make a parody
To copy for class
To criticize
To quote for scholarly purposes
For research

For the purposes of this project, you'll be leaning on either the "parody" or "criticism" angle.

There are also "four guidelines" for fair use - we'll examine this more closely on Tuesday's class:

1. The Transformative Factor: The Purpose and Character of Your Use

2. The Nature of the Copyrighted Work

3. The Amount and Substantiality of the Portion Taken

4. The Effect of the Use Upon the Potential Market

More detailed info here:

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Next assignment: Tutorial


On Tuesday (10/13), you should be prepared to give the class a photoshop tutorial, on any topic or effect you'd like to research. Google something you'd like to learn, or click around in the links on the "my blog list" column on the righthand side of this page (there are lots of good tutorials on those blogs). Remember, step yourself through it BEFORE you come to class, to make sure you understand all the steps, and have all the materials you need. You should be able to make your demonstration in about ten minutes.

Don't pick something too complicated to do in ten minutes, but don't get too simple, either. If you just correct some redeye or something, or review something we've already covered in class, you're not going to get a good grade (though it might be something that builds on things we've learned in class, there should be at least some new element getting you to the end product). Try to hit that sweet spot of "moderately difficult" tutorial.

I'll be keeping the lab open on monday from 11:30-3:00. If you don't have photoshop on your computer, and can't make that time slot, you can download a free trial version of photoshop which will let you use it for 30 days.

Post a link or a one-sentence description of the tutorial you'd like to do in the "comments" to this blog post,  checking to make sure no one else has picked the same tutorial before you.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Multiple You Assignment

"Multiple You"

The nextassignment is to create a picture that will have five (or more) images of yourself in one single environment. Put another way, it'll be a picture of some space -- a room, landscape, whatever -- in which there are at least five images of you, realistically inhabiting the space. There should also be some overlapping among at least three of the "yous."

Part of this assignment is technical - thinking of how you are going to best execute your idea, making sure the lighting works in the way you want it to, making sure you've staged the scene in a way that works, utilizing a tripod perhaps in stabilizng your multiple shots. The other part of the assignment is creative -- thinking through what the realtionship between your five (or more) selves might be, and what their relationship to the environment might be. It will be relatively easy to just position yourself in a room in four different poses, and just piece the four photos together. But there should be some sort of drama that is expressed in the picture.

You can dress in different costume for your five or more selves, so that the multiple yous are multiple characters. Or you could take the multiple yous as different expressions of the same central personality. Is one version of you the ego, and the other the id? Is one a voice undermining you, and is another a contrary voice of optimism and hope? What are the different faces of your personality, and what sorts of relationships or conflicts do they have with one another? How could those relationships/conflicts be expressed through action, through expression, through gesture?

This doesn't have to be heavy at all -- you can have a comical take on the problem -- but the bottom line is that there should be some psychological relationship betwen the multiple "characters." It doesn't have to be obvious or over-the-top -- there's room for ambiguity and mystery -- but it does have to be there, somewhere.

You'll need to have your photos taken before next class -- which wil be a work period for combining the photos. It might be a good strategy to pair with someone else in class; it'll be a good way of covering people who don't have access to a digital camera, and it will be far easier to compose and shoot yourself properly with someone other than you taking the pictures. We will eventually be making prints of these images, so make sure you take the photos at print resolution.

Tutorial Assignment, and Files I'm Collecting


On Thursday (10/13), you should be prepared to give the class a photoshop tutorial, on any topic or effect you'd like to research. Google something you'd like to learn, or click around in the links on the "my blog list" column on the righthand side of this page (there are lots of good tutorials on those blogs). Remember, step yourself through it BEFORE you come to class, to make sure you understand all the steps, and have all the materials you need. You should be able to make your demonstration in about ten minutes.

Don't pick something too complicated to do in ten minutes, but don't get too simple, either. If you just correct some redeye or something, or review something we've already covered in class, you're not going to get a good grade (though it might be something that builds on things we've learned in class, there should be at least some new element getting you to the end product). Try to hit that sweet spot of "moderately difficult" tutorial.

Post a link or a one-sentence description of the tutorial you'd like to do in the "comments" to this blog post,  checking to make sure no one else has picked the same tutorial before you.

ALSO: I will be collecting all your project files for your midterm grade on Thursday. So please bring to class your flattened files for –

Digital self portrait (scanned items)
Text/Image project
Collage Artist Response
Composite (big thing made small, or small thing made big)
Fake News
Multiple Me

Please follow this naming convention:

You should give them filenames like this:

"(2-digit project number)-(your last name)-(project title).fileextension"

So if your name is Jane Smith, and the project was the self portrait, you would name the file:


If you have more than one image for the project, append letters (A,B, C):


All the files should be flattened files.

And here are the project titles I'd like you to use.

1. Digital self-portrait, from three scans:


2. Text/image combo project (at least two versions)


3. The response to the collage artist


4. The "composite" project (something small made large, or something large made small)


5. The "fake news" project


6. The "multiple me" project
