Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Finals Schedule, and Course Evaluation Link

The times for the finals are this – all finals will take place in our regular classroom:

Section 1 (Morning class):

Thurs 12/13, 8am-11am

Section 2 (Afternoon class):

Tues 12/11, 11:30-2:30

And here are links for the course evaluations:

Section 1:

Section 2:

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Agenda for Tuesday (11/27)

Hi everyone – I have to apologize that I won't be in class Tuesday 11/27. My wife's stepdad has been very ill for the past several months, and I'm in Arizona to be with him before he passes away. I will be back for Thursday's class.

I'd been planning on stepping you through the process of weaving your pages together into a book that can be uploaded to this Tuesday – instead, I'd like you all to work together to put the book together on Tuesday's class yourselves, following the instructions below. On Thursday, at the beginning of class, I'll want to upload the final book to lulu.

If anyone would like to get some extra credit, there are two steps below that I'll award extra credit for.

Here are the steps:


All pages must be saved as flattened PDFs. In order to make it easier to put all the pages in the proper order, it will be necessary to name your pages in a proper numerical sequence. The front and back cover will be a separate PDF file, so there's no need to include them in the page numbers. However, it will be necessary to have a table of contents page - which will be the first page you see, on the right hand side, when you open the book (it's not part of a two-page spread).

This is the first opportunity for some extra credit points: someone needs to create the table of contents page. That page should list the authors in the order they appear in the book. Name that page:


Subsequent pages should take up that numbering, so that the first three sections in the morning class book should be named like so (with Matt's section coming first, then Jonathan's, then Tom's):




And so on. There should also be a single blank page added to the very end (this is the final, left-facing page of the book - the back side page of the final sequence).

For the afternoon class, you have the additional task of figuring out the order of the six-page sequences in your book - which one will start the book, which comes next, and so on. Take a look at each others' sequences and figure out a good flow.


Once the pages have been saved and properly numbered/named, someone has to combine all the separate pages into one multi-page pdf document. Whoever wants to do that will receive extra credit. Follow the link below to learn how to use Acrobat Pro (which is on the macs, so a finder search for it) to combine the files:


The last thing both classes need to do is to choose the book cover. So please look over each individual "take" on the cover, and take a vote for the one you think is most successful. If there is another cover that comes in for a close second, you can decide to use that for the back cover.

That's it - I hope you impress me with your collective logistical skills. Looking forward to seeing the books on Thursday.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Titles and Orders

The title for the morning class book is:

Are You Seriously Distracted by the Logarithmic Curve of the Elephant's Tusk? You have no idea.

The title for the afternoon class book is:

Please Take Me Out of Context

Thursday will be an in-class work day, for you to finish your six pages, and to create a cover for the book (same dimensions as the interior: 7.75" square, 300dpi, including the 1/8" bleed). At the beginning of class on Tues, Nov. 27 (the tues after thanksgiving), the six pages and the cover are due. In that class, we'll vote on the cover we think is best, and put the pages together for the final book.

The page order for the morning book will be:


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Lulu Book Project

Next Tuesdayy will be a work period for your six-page sequence, so come prepared with whatever raw materials you need (images, ideas) to use the work period profitably.

Here are the specs for the images in your "sequence" project -- the one we're printing up through You should have the images you need at the start of the class, so you can just jump into it when class starts. You need to have at least a basic sketch (drawn out on paper, or cobbled together in Photoshop) of your general idea for the sequence.

Dimensions for Lulu book project
You will have 6 pages to fill in an art book we're publishing through One page is like an intro page for yourself and your work, which should include your name. It can be a sort of "artist's statement," or it can otherwise set the stage for the images to follow. The following five pages should be a series of images that somehow work together as a sequence.

The dimensions at which you should create the work are:

Final page size will be 7.5" x 7.5" at 300 dpi.
The pages need a 1/8" bleed all the way around, so you'll create your photoshop files at 7.75" x 7.75" (at 300 dpi, this comes out to 2325 pixels by 2325 pixels).

Keep in mind, as you're designing the sequence, that you will have three "two page spreads," where the image on the lefthand page will be facing the image on the righthand page. Think about how the images on those facing pages will affect each other, in terms of content, color, composition, and so on.

If you're still chewing through what a "sequence" is, remember that a potential starting place could be:

1. Time changes through a fixed location. What is a single place, that goes through changes as time passes, and how are those changes made visible?

2. Spatial changes with a fixed subject. Is there a character, or object, that travels through different spaces?

3. Transformations of a character or object. Think of Klinger's "glove" etching. Is there a common image that goes through a variety of changes of scale, of stature, of meaning?

4. Different aspects of a single thing. Think Hokusai's Mount Fuji series. Is there a thing, a person or a place that can be looked at through a variety of lenses -- the lens of history, of myth, of geology, etc?

5. Formal variation and rhythm. Remember that abstracts images can function in sequence, riffing on common formal elements throughout the multiple images.

6. Storytelling. Any sequence tells a story of some sort. Is there some sort of narrative that could occur through the five images? Think of Hogarth's "Harlot's Progess," or the comics examples I showed.

And you should "own" your artwork in this project -- you can shoot your own images, or draw your own images. You can use stock images (free or purchased).